4.3b | Content Identification

As a collaborator, the coach is expected to partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards.

In my school, our teachers are encouraged to share relevant learning content and resources that they come across as a way to benefit the whole faculty. We have created a repository where such content can be stored and new content flagged on Teams to alert the faculty of newly added resources.

In particular, I encourage coaches to look out for content that engages learner interest. In my post titled, “Overcoming Learned Helplessness in the Digital Age“, I discovered that making learning concepts relevant to the learner can greatly increases learner interest. From my readings of the work of Fisher & Noble (2004), I found that task interest was positively correlated to how much effort an individual invests in the task, linking higher effort to higher intrinsic motivation.

I also became acquainted with the term Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) from the research for my post titled, “Culturally Responsive Teaching: Enhancing Student Engagement and Digital Classroom Learning“. In this post, I wrote about how coaches can use technology and digital content to create culturally responsive classrooms, especially in the context of teaching multicultural children in mainstream classrooms. I suggested leveraging translation tools, live streaming and web accessibility technologies, as well as collaboration platforms like Google Hangouts, Zoom, and ePals to let students collaborate and communicate with people around the world.

Coaches can make their lessons more culturally responsive by using gamification strategies and making the learning social by designing and organizing learning in a way that encourages students to rely on each other. I also discovered that telling stories is a great way for students to remember content especially in cultures with a strong oral tradition.

Gamification is especially relevant in for kinesthetic learners and also students from oral cultures who are more used to communality. Games draws attention, increases motivation, and engagement besides being offering opportunities for social interaction. It also involves the need for problem-solving and drawing connections between things. 


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