4.7d | Digital Security

As a digital citizen advocate, the coach is expected to empower educators, leaders and students to make informed decisions to protect their personal data and curate the digital profile they intend to reflect.

In the design of a creative writing workshop for advocating digital citizenship, I found an integrative solution to teach digital security where digital citizenship lessons are integrated into an existing language course. In the learning outcomes for the first lesson, I made sure that students understood digital citizenship covered topics like media balance & well-being, privacy & security, digital footprint & identity, relationships & communication, cyberbullying, digital drama & hate speech, and news & media literacy.

In my post titled “Digital Natives and the Path of Digital Wisdom: Practical Implementation of Digital Security Education” I shared practical strategies for schools to implement digital security education. These strategies include:
1. Updating devices
2. Using two-factor authentication (2FA)
3. Using a password manager
4. Installing and updating antivirus software
5. Backing up data on a regular basis

I also called for educators to exercise creativity in making digital security education more interesting and appealing for students by using the concept of gamification.

Finally, in my post on “Ethical AI by Design: Key Issues of Ethical AI“, I highlighted the importance of considering issues of security and privacy when developing AI. Coaches need to also be cognizant that when AI is being used, there is always the issue of data privacy and consent that need to be addressed as the AI engines are actively scanning their environment and collecting data whether we know it or not. I found that the use of encryption technology can ensure that AI systems can perform the function of data processing yet at the same time respect the privacy of users.


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