4.2a | Pursuing Professional Learning

As a connected learner, the coach is expected to pursue professional learning that deepens expertise in the ISTE Standards in order to serve as a model for educators and leaders.

Pursuing Professional Learning

Inspired by the encouragement to actively pursue Professional Learning  on the Digital Education Leadership Program, I decided to plan a workshop that would serve 2 purposes – sharpening my own domain knowledge as well as bringing others along with me in the growth journey. The planning process of this workshop was documented in my post titled “Workshop Planning: Building Digital Literacy for 21st-Century Success“.

Through the planning process and preparation for conducting the actual workshop, I have not only strengthened my knowledge and understanding of the ISTE standards but I have also become more adept at being a digitally-connected educator through the use of edtech tools covered in the workshop.

In another post titled “No Child Left Offline: A Case for Coaching for Digital Equity“, I touched on the importance of having trained educators to help students navigate those digital tools. This is something that is actively advocated by ISTE. In my post, I shared a few innovative strategies for educators to embrace and promote digital equity. Read about these strategies here.


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